Posts in Category

Body & Soul

“Be My Valentine” with an original twist

Chocolate, balloon hearts and flowers…these are all the norm on Valentine’s Day. And they are all thoughtful gifts, but a bit on the lazy side, if you ask me. For those of you who want to move away from the cliché side of things, here’s a more personal, unique and meaningful way to declare your love to your better half:

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Vitality Gathering – Take 1

Me-time is very rare these days, and when I do get it (with the help of Daddy, of course), I make sure I have a blast. So, with some delays, due to my whole household falling victim to various stomach bugs, flues and what-have-you, I would like to tell you about my lovely experience at the Vitality Gathering event on February 18th.

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Happy Birthday Juliette@ Bare Skin Beauty!

If I had to name one good thing that came out of my experience of Festival of Life last summer, then that must be coming across the Bare Skin Beauty product range and meeting Juliette – the “author” of these wonderful skin care products. Today is her birthday, and this post is my way of wishing her Happy Birthday!

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Healthy Shopping

How do you feel about shopping? I LOVE IT! If done at the right time and with the right people, it can do wonders for my well-being. There is a special shopping treat that I indulge in as often as I can and need: every other week I pay a visit to this little health shop just up my street called Maitri. I accidentally stumbled upon it a few months ago and I became addicted from first setting foot in it.

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