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It’s finally happening!

This image spread like fire yesterday on Facebook. It was long overdue, but better late than never, right? This should be food for thought for all the parents out there thinking that one – two trips to McDonald’s a month can’t harm their children. Actually, it should be a warning for all people out there who eat there out of habit, because it’s cheap or because they didn’t have time to pack a sandwich and these kind of places are the only alternative when hunger strikes.

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The Festival of Life

Hello all good people out there! It’s been a long time since my last post. Between work, family and my son’s 2nd birthday party, I haven’t had a chance to write much. I’ve got many things I want to blog about, so I’ll dive right in with first topic:

On September 24 I went to a vegan fair, Festival of Life, held in London each year, in August and September. I was so excited to finally having a chance to experience live such an event and finding out more about trends in veganism, organic products, raw foods and nutrition. The description certainly looked very appealing: eco-living, arts and crafts, juice bars, kids space, raw food demos, nutrition, permaculture, activism, trance dance, meditation, yoga, healing, singing, live music, DJs, drumming, conscious partying.

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Ways of Staying Fit

As you know, we’ve recently had some public unrest in London – a lot of stealing, damaged property and many buildings set ablaze. One of the things the rioters really had an issue with was my local Nuffield fitness centre, down in Norbury. I am still trying to think what was it so “appalling” about a place where people of all colours and nations go to work out, swim and relief their daily stress levels. Obviously something in this equation stirred them up and they just decided to burn the damn place down.

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First Day at LSE

This past week I’ve been thinking about Kristin’s challenge and tried hard to make up my mind about an interesting first that happened to me when I relocated to London. God, there were so many – good and bad. It was such a tough choice to make and – with no connection whatsoever – it got me thinking about what I’ve been reading in the past two years on the topic of baby feeding: if you want them to eat something, don’t give them too many options. Seems that too much choice can throw anyone off the saddle.

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Holiday in South Wales

We’ve just returned from South Wales, where we spent the August Bank Holiday week-end. We had a wonderful time visiting the sorroundings of Porthchawl, The National Showcaves for Wales, and Cardiff. The weather was capricious. We had to fight the waves and the wind, for a walk on the beach. But in the end, we were victorious.

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Me, Myself and My Stuff

On September 14th 2011 I’m celebrating my 10th anniversary in London. This is a huge number. Sometimes, I still cannot take it all in. I’ve spent the first 10 years of my life after finishing university in Romania, as an expat in London. I decided to answer to Kristin’s challenge and write about my connection to stuff and the things I brought with me when I relocated to London.

I came here with one big 23-kg-piece of luggage whose handle broke sometime during my connecting flight from Budapest. I still smile when I remember how my cousin struggled with carrying it through the London tube. I landed at Heathrow, which is somewhere in the West, outside London, far, far away from the city. My cousin lived in Newham, in the far Eastern part of London. It was a long tube ride. But I didn’t care. I was mesmerized by how new, clean and modern everything looked. So different from the dusty, parched streets and ashy blocks in Bucharest.

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Fun Times … Cultural Times … I LOVE LONDON!

This past week has been down right crazy. Good way crazy, of course. I went out more than in the past six months. I’d met with friends for a glass of wine in the evening and later in the week, we went to a Romanian gipsy music concert with my son and partner. One word to describe this: AWESOME!

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Something Tasty that Made My Lunch

As you may know already, I am a big fan of eating healthy. God knows I have my bad days, when nothing can stand between me and a piece of dark, rich chocolate…but for the rest of the time, I am doing my best to be decent with myself and eat as much raw foods as possible. Nowadays, I am more often than not fighting tooth and nail just to see my son taste some fresh fruits & veggies. So far, I am failing miserably. And frankly, I feel I am running out of ideas.

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“Eat, Pray Love”, God, Christianity and Yoga

A few good months ago I started reading “Eat, Pray, Love”. I’ve literally just finished it, while also reading a few more novels and non-fiction books in between. The reason why it took me so long is because I loved it too much. I’ve enjoyed “living” in Gilbert’s vivid world and I was reluctant to see the story end. So I took my time and enjoyed her funny, witty, so down-to-earth and genuine writing. I feel like I love this woman without ever having met her.

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