Posts in Tag

healthy eating

Healthy Shopping

How do you feel about shopping? I LOVE IT! If done at the right time and with the right people, it can do wonders for my well-being. There is a special shopping treat that I indulge in as often as I can and need: every other week I pay a visit to this little health shop just up my street called Maitri. I accidentally stumbled upon it a few months ago and I became addicted from first setting foot in it.

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It’s finally happening!

This image spread like fire yesterday on Facebook. It was long overdue, but better late than never, right? This should be food for thought for all the parents out there thinking that one – two trips to McDonald’s a month can’t harm their children. Actually, it should be a warning for all people out there who eat there out of habit, because it’s cheap or because they didn’t have time to pack a sandwich and these kind of places are the only alternative when hunger strikes.

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Something Tasty that Made My Lunch

As you may know already, I am a big fan of eating healthy. God knows I have my bad days, when nothing can stand between me and a piece of dark, rich chocolate…but for the rest of the time, I am doing my best to be decent with myself and eat as much raw foods as possible. Nowadays, I am more often than not fighting tooth and nail just to see my son taste some fresh fruits & veggies. So far, I am failing miserably. And frankly, I feel I am running out of ideas.

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