Hello world and Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!  Today is the first day of 2011 and this is my first entry on a blog that I have been thinking about and planning for a good chunk of 2010.  Here I want to write about thoughts, people, feelings and mostly everything coming my way that I find interesting and worth sharing.

I became a mother in October 2009 and my whole life changed….cliche as it may seem, but so true. I live each day in awe, mesmarized by my son and incredibly grateful for my  new life. I slowly became aware of things that I never bothered to give too much thought before: the food I eat, the clothes I wear, the things I do and the books I read.

We always want to do right by our children and thanks to my son and to some amazing mothers I have met in the past two years and a half, I started looking into concepts such as vegetarianism and raw foods, ethical living, gentle parenting, baby wearing, yoga and so many more. To cut a long story short, motherhood gave me a totally new perspective on life and the way I chose to live mine.

This blog is about my wonderful journey into a healthier, happier life. Where it’s taking me, I don’t know. And this is the best part. You will witness it first hand, just like me. What I do know is that I feel happy and grateful that I was shown this entrance to another world – so simple, yet so beautiful.

Looking forward to having you as my travel companion and in the meantime, hope 2011 is going to be your best year yet. Don’t forget to love and live like there’s no tomorrow!

Maria <3

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